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Recruitment for part-time first cycle (Bachelor) study programmes 2024/2025

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Management and Production Engineering - part-time first cycle (Bachelor) study programme

Code Z-ZIP-NS1
Organizational unit Faculty of Management and Computer Modelling
Field of studies Management and Production Engineering
Form of studies Part-time
Level of education First cycle (Bachelor)
Language(s) of instruction Polish
Duration 4 years (8 semesters)
Recruitment committee address aleja Tysiąclecia Państwa Polskiego 7, budynek C
25-314 Kielce
Office opening hours poniedziałek 11.00-14.00
wtorek 11.00-14.00
środa 11.00-14.00
czwartek 11.00-14.00
piątek w dniach zjazdów 15.00-18.30
sobota w dniach zjazdów 7.30-12.30
WWW address https://wzimk.tu.kielce.pl/
Required document
  • Maturity or equivalent document
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Management and Production Engineering

The interdisciplinary Management and Production Engineering studies make it possible to educate specialists who can combine modern engineering and managerial knowledge and skills and who are also able to undertake tasks that result from transformations related to rationalization of costs and production techniques. The establishment of small and medium-sized companies, restructuring of industry as well as privatization of enterprises force engineers to perform a double role of an engineer and a manager. They are expected (in addition to expertise in a specific technical field) to have skills in economics, management, accounting, finance, law, ecology, logistics, etc.


full-time  (daily) courses

  • 3.5-year (7 semesters) first-cycle studies

resulting in the award of the title of Engineer

the scope of study:

- computer science in management and modelling

- production and innovation management

  •  1.5-year (3 semesters) second-cycle studies

resulting in the award of the degree of Master of Engineering

the scope of study:

- computer science in management and modelling

- environmental engineering

- management engineering

- supply chain management


part-time (extramural) courses

  • 3.5-year (7 semesters) first-cycle studies

resulting in  the award of the title of Engineer

the scope of study:

- production and innovation management

- computer science in management and modelling

  • 1,5-year  (3 semesters) second-cycle studies

resulting in the  award of the degree of Master of Engineering

the scope of study:

- management engineering

- supply chain management


After the first-degree studies

Graduates have substantive knowledge of mechanics and machine construction, basic economic and managerial knowledge and skills to manage technical and organizational functions involving improving production and operational systems, management systems, personnel selection and training, cost management, project management, marketing, logistics, financial and material investment management. They have the knowledge and skills to start and run their own business in the area of production and services.

After the second-degree studies

Graduates are additionally qualified to organize and conduct research and development work, in particular to design and implement technological and organizational innovations. They can also manage projects involving large financial resources, including those of the European Union, and participate in the work of management and supervisory boards of production, service and financial organizations.



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