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Recruitment for part-time second cycle (Master) study programmes 2024/2025

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Civil Engineering - part-time second cycle (Master) study programme

Code B-BUD-NS2
Organizational unit Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Field of studies Civil Engineering
Form of studies Part-time
Level of education Second cycle (Master)
Language(s) of instruction Polish
Duration 2 years (4 semesters)
Recruitment committee address aleja Tysiąclecia Państwa Polskiego 7, budynek A
25-314 Kielce
Office opening hours poniedziałek 12.00 – 15.00
wtorek 12.00 – 15.00
środa nieczynny
czwartek 12.00 – 15.00
piątek 12.00 – 14.00
piątek w dniach zjazdów 15.00 – 17.00
sobota w dniach zjazdów 8.00 – 12.00
WWW address https://wbia.tu.kielce.pl/
Required document
  • Higher education
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 Civil Engineering

 Full-time programmes

·         3.5-year (7 semesters) undergraduate programme

leading to a bachelor’s degree (BSc) in

–  construction engineering

·         1.5-year (3 semesters) graduate programmes

leading to a master’s degree (MSc) in

–  road building

–  structural design

–  bridge engineering

–  construction technology and management

–  building information modelling (BIM)

Part-time programmes

·         4-year (8 semesters) undergraduate programmes

leading to a bachelor’s degree (BSc) in

–  road building

–  construction engineering

·         2-year (4 semesters) graduate programmes

leading to a master’s degree (MSc) in

–  road building

–  structural engineering

– construction technology and management


The undergraduate qualification is awarded to students who

-          have demonstrated basic engineering knowledge of the principles applicable to the design and construction of building components and structures, including residential, commercial and industrial buildings and transportation infrastructure;

-          can apply computer skills and modern technologies in engineering practice, identify and solve basic problems with the use of analytical, simulation and experimental methods, assess the non-technical and economic effects of engineering activities;

-          are prepared to manage and supervise construction work, work independently and on teams with contractors, manufacturers of building elements and materials, state and local units related to construction and architecture.

The graduate qualification is awarded to students who

-          have demonstrated advanced knowledge of engineering principles and practices pertaining to the design and implementation of complex projects, including residential, commercial and industrial buildings and transportation infrastructure, construction technology and management, selection and use of modern building materials and techniques;

-          can apply a range of CAE tools for design and modelling

-          have the ability to identify and solve complex design, organizational and technological problems, manage risks;

-          have the ability to develop and implement research programs, cooperate on international projects, participate in the marketing and promotion of construction products;

-          are prepared to attain a position in civil engineering and related fields, work with multiple teams, manage large teams at construction sites;

-          are prepared to participate in ongoing personal and professional growth.

Rekrutację studentów na pierwszy rok studiów drugiego stopnia przeprowadza się na podstawie złożonych dokumentów, gdy liczba kandydatów nie przekracza limitu miejsc. W przypadku, gdy liczba zgłoszonych osób jest większa niż ustalony limit, rekrutacja jest przeprowadzana na podstawie konkursu, do którego brany jest pod uwagę - wynik ukończenia studiów wpisany do dyplomu.

Na Budownictwo przyjmowani są absolwenci studiów pierwszego stopnia kierunku Budownictwo lub pokrewnego albo absolwenci studiów drugiego stopnia i jednolitych magisterskich kierunków pokrewnych.

Przed zapisaniem się na studia należy wprowadzić ocenę z dyplomu - ostateczny wynik ze studiów inżynierskich/licencjackich/magisterskich oraz średnią ocen uzyskanych w trakcie tych studiów w:

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