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Recruitment for part-time second cycle (Master) study programmes 2024/2025

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Automation and Robotics - part-time second cycle (Master) study programme

Code M-AIR-NS2
Organizational unit Faculty of Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering
Field of studies Automation and Robotics
Form of studies Part-time
Level of education Second cycle (Master)
Language(s) of instruction Polish
Duration 1,5 years (3 semesters)
Recruitment committee address aleja Tysiąclecia Państwa Polskiego 7, budynek B
25-314 Kielce
Office opening hours poniedziałek 11.00-14.00
wtorek 11.00-14.00
środa nieczynny
czwartek 11.00-14.00
piątek 11.00-14.00
w dniach zjazdów: 15.00 – 17.00
sobota / w dniach zjazdów: 8.30 – 11.30
WWW address https://wmibm.tu.kielce.pl/
Required document
  • Higher education
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Automation and Robotics 

full-time study

  • undergraduate (first-cycle) programme 3.5 years (7 semesters) in duration

leading to an inżynier qualification (bachelor’s degree)


–  industrial automation

–  machine and process automation

–  computer-based control and measurement systems

  • postgraduate (second-cycle) programme 1.5 years (3 semesters) in duration

leading to a magister inżynier qualification (master’s degree)


–  industrial automation

–  computer-based control and measurement systems


part-time (weekend) study

  • undergraduate (first-cycle) programme 4 years (8 semesters) in duration

leading to an inżynier qualification (bachelor’s degree)


–  industrial automation

–  machine and process automation

–  computer-based measurement and control systems

  • postgraduate (second-cycle) programme 1.5 years (3 semesters) in duration

leading to a magister inżynier qualification (master’s degree)


–  industrial automation

–  computer-based control and measurement systems

Overview of the undergraduate (first cycle) programme

This programme prepares students to work as automation and robotics engineers. On completion, they will have knowledge of the design, programming, integration, operation and maintenance of automated industrial equipment, especially industrial robots, CNC machines, automated machining systems, PLCs, servo drives, electrohydraulic and electropneumatic systems and measurement equipment. They will be able to use CAD/CAM software for design, rapid prototyping and manufacturing purposes; they will have skills to perform computer-based engineering calculations, including modelling and simulation; they will also be able to use appropriate computer tools for measurement data acquisition, analysis and visualisation. They will have skills to program microprocessor systems and digital controllers as well as develop custom applications. Working as automation engineers, our graduates will know how to use algorithms, especially those for control, calculations and decision-making for automated systems.

The curriculum is revised regularly to ensure it is up-to-date and relevant. There are many practical courses offering skills valued by employers, which will make our graduates more competitive in the job market.

Students choosing the computer-based control and measurement systems specialism within the Automation and Robotics programme may find employment at the Świętokrzyski Laboratory Campus of the Central Office of Measures established in Kielce in cooperation with the Kielce University of Technology.  

Overview of the postgraduate (second-cycle) programme

On completion of this programme, students will have an advanced knowledge and skills to creatively analyse, design and develop automated systems, control and program robots and robotic systems, and design decision-making systems for the manufacturing and service sectors. They will be prepared to work in a variety of environments ranging from research institutes and R&D centres to large companies in the chemical, machine, metallurgical, materials processing, food, electrical and electronic engineering, and power generation industries. They may also join small or medium-sized businesses in the role of automation and decision-making specialists.

Rekrutację studentów na pierwszy rok studiów drugiego stopnia przeprowadza się na podstawie złożonych dokumentów, gdy liczba kandydatów nie przekracza limitu miejsc. W przypadku, gdy liczba zgłoszonych osób jest większa niż ustalony limit, rekrutacja jest przeprowadzana na podstawie konkursu, do którego brany jest pod uwagę - wynik ukończenia studiów wpisany do dyplomu.

Na Automatykę i Robotykę przyjmowani są absolwenci studiów pierwszego stopnia kierunku Automatyka i Robotyka lub pokrewnego albo absolwenci studiów drugiego stopnia i jednolitych magisterskich kierunków pokrewnych.

Przed zapisaniem się na studia należy wprowadzić ocenę z dyplomu - ostateczny wynik ze studiów inżynierskich/licencjackich/magisterskich oraz średnią ocen uzyskanych w trakcie tych studiów w:

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