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Rekrutacja na studia stacjonarne pierwszego stopnia 2023/2024

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Mechanical Engineering - full-time first cycle (Bachelor) study programme in English

Organizational unit Faculty of Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering
Field of studies Mechanical Engineering
Form of studies Full-time
Level of education First cycle (Bachelor)
Language(s) of instruction English
Duration 3,5 years (7 semesters)
Recruitment committee address aleja Tysiąclecia Państwa Polskiego 7, budynek B
25-314 Kielce
WWW address https://wmibm.tu.kielce.pl/
Required document
  • Maturity or equivalent document
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There is currently no active phase in this registration.

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Active phases in other registrations:
  • Recruitment for full-time first cycle (Bachelor) study programmes 2024/2025 for foreigners
    Phase 1 (08.04.2024 08:00 – 31.08.2024 23:59)

Mechanical Engineering 

 full-time study

  • undergraduate (first-cycle) programme 3.5 years (7 semesters) in duration

leading to an inżynier qualification (bachelor’s degree)


–  maintenance of mining and quarrying equipment

–  metal science and welding technology

–  industrial design engineering

–  computer-aided manufacturing

–  computer-aided laser and plasma technologies

–  automotive engineering

–  CAD/CAE systems

–  fluid power systems

–  weapons engineering and applied computer science


  • postgraduate (second-cycle) programme 1.5 years (3 semesters) in duration

leading to a magister inżynier qualification (master’s degree)


–  maintenance of mining and quarrying equipment

–  industrial maintenance

–  metal science and welding technology

–  industrial design engineering

–  computer-aided manufacturing

–  computer-aided laser and plasma technologies

–  automotive engineering

–  CAD/CAE systems

–  weapons engineering and applied computer science


Overview of the undergraduate (first-cycle) programme 

On completion of this programme, students will have a theoretical and practical background to undertake and complete engineering tasks in the areas of design, development, control and automation of manufacturing systems and processes. They will gain the necessary knowledge to handle management problems in the manufacturing and transport sectors. They will develop knowledge required by specialists applying computer systems and digital data processing to design, operate, maintain and control manufacturing systems. In general-knowledge and core engineering courses, they will learn how to properly operate, maintain, repair, rebuild and retrofit manufacturing facilities, especially mechanical machinery and equipment. The will have skills to use computer hardware and software to design and manufacture as well as organise and manage engineering tasks. They will have a specialist knowledge of automotive engineering, including the fundamentals of electromobility. They will gain a basic knowledge of metrology for mechanical engineering, particularly geometrical dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) measurement. After completing additional training, graduates may seek employment at the Świętokrzyski Laboratory Campus of the Central Office of Measures established in Kielce in cooperation with the Kielce University of Technology.

Overview of the postgraduate (second-cycle) programme

Students completing this programme will have an extensive general and specialist knowledge of mechanical engineering. Provided with more experience in concept development than undergraduate students, they will be prepared to conduct research so that they can create new designs and processes or improve the existing ones. They will be equipped with knowledge and skills to lead innovation projects, especially ones involving the use of computer hardware and software, to solve engineering problems in both large and small manufacturing facilities. They will have computer knowledge and skills to efficiently and effectively use various engineering applications. They will have programming skills to modify readily available applications or create their own ones. 

On completion of this programme, students will have an in-depth knowledge of metrology and quality engineering for mechanical engineering purposes. They will be well acquainted with the latest methods of computer-based measurement, especially geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) measurement and surface texture measurement. Graduates of this postgraduate level programme could be a valuable asset to the management team at the Świętokrzyski Laboratory Campus of the Central Office of Measures established in Kielce in cooperation with the Kielce University of Technology.

Uwaga! Studia w języku angielskim są studiami na zasadzie odpłatności! Semestr studiów kosztuje 4747 zł.

Wysokość opłat za usługi edukacyjne wnoszonych przez studentów przyjętych na studia na rok akademicki 2023/2024

Rekrutacja na studia stacjonarne pierwszego stopnia prowadzona jest na podstawie konkursu świadectw dojrzałości.

Na wszystkie kierunki studiów stacjonarnych pierwszego stopnia w konkursie świadectw uwzględniane są oceny procentowe z: matematyki (M), języka polskiego (JP), języka obcego nowożytnego (JO) oraz z jednego przedmiotu zdanego na maturze w formie pisemnej (W), wskazanego przez kandydata do postępowania kwalifikacyjnego z zestawu obejmującego: fizykę z astronomią, chemię, informatykę, historię, geografię, biologię, wiedzę o społeczeństwie oraz - w przypadku kierunku architektura – historię sztuki.

Przedmioty: fizyka z astronomią oraz fizyka traktowane są równorzędnie.

Łączną liczbę punktów dla kierunku Mechanika i budowa maszyn wyznacza się wg wzoru:

S = M + n·W + 0,1·JP + 0,4·JO

przy czym:

n = 1 przy wskazaniu przez kandydata: fizyki z astronomią, chemii, informatyki,

n = 0,4 przy wskazaniu: geografii, biologii, n = 0,2 przy wskazaniu: historii, wiedzy o społeczeństwie.