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Recruitment for full-time first cycle (Bachelor) study programmes 2024/2025

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Safety Engineering - full-time first cycle (Bachelor) study programme

Code M-IB-ST1
Organizational unit Faculty of Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering
Field of studies Safety Engineering
Form of studies Full-time
Level of education First cycle (Bachelor)
Language(s) of instruction Polish
Duration 3,5 years (7 semesters)
Recruitment committee address aleja Tysiąclecia Państwa Polskiego 7, budynek B
25-314 Kielce
Office opening hours poniedziałek 11.00-14.00
wtorek 11.00-14.00
środa nieczynny
czwartek 11.00-14.00
piątek 11.00-14.00
w dniach zjazdów: 15.00 – 17.00
sobota / w dniach zjazdów: 8.30 – 11.30
WWW address https://wmibm.tu.kielce.pl/
Required document
  • Maturity or equivalent document
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Safety Engineering 

full-time study

  • undergraduate (first-cycle) programme 3.5 years (7 semesters) in duration

leading to an inżynier qualification (bachelor’s degree)


–   workplace and transport safety

–   internal security engineering

–   industrial safety systems

–   forensic science and criminology

part-time (weekend) study

  • undergraduate (first-cycle) programme 4 years (8 semesters) in duration

leading to an inżynier qualification (bachelor’s degree)


–   workplace and transport safety

–   internal security engineering

–   industrial safety systems 

–   forensic science and criminology

Overview of the undergraduate (first-cycle) programme

Students specialising in workplace and transport safety will develop knowledge of safety for transport, safe operation and maintenance of industrial machinery and systems, and risk management. The focus will be on the knowledge of safety in industrial facilities, including logistics, recycling, electrical safety and safety requirements for machining processes and equipment. On completion of this programme, students will be prepared to perform tasks associated with safe operation and maintenance of machines and equipment in the transport, manufacturing and public administration sectors. During the programme, students of this specialism may obtain a forklift truck licence issued by  the Office of Technical Inspection.

Students choosing the industrial safety systems specialism will gain knowledge and skills to organise a safe working environment, manage rescue and emergency operations by planning and overseeing safety procedures, assess hazards and risks at the workplace, and devise and implement health and safety measures. The focus will be on developing knowledge of workstation assessment, workplace ergonomics, safety devices and features, personal protective equipment and industrial system safety. The knowledge and skills of occupational health and safety gained during the programme will prepare students to work as safety inspectors and other specialists dealing with safety issues.

Students specialising in internal security engineering will learn about the essentials of weapons engineering, especially the design, production and use of weapons and ammunition. They will have knowledge of internal, external and terminal ballistics as well as mechanical failure analysis. They will be taught how to maintain and protect public administration buildings and other public facilities; they will also learn about the organisation and responsibilities of uniformed services in Poland. 

Students choosing the forensic science and criminology specialism will have knowledge of the design, manufacture and safe operation of weapons, ammunition and fuzes. They will develop knowledge of state-of-the-art forensic analysis methods, especially forensic ballistics, as well as collection and preservation of forensic evidence, and forensic examination and investigation. Students will gain knowledge of data protection and cryptographic methods.

Uwaga! Kandydaci zdający maturę w tym roku:
Aby móc zarejestrować się na studia należy w formularzu osobowym w zakładce "Wykształcenie" dodać Nową Maturę i wpisać rok uzyskania dokumentu 2024. Takie informacje są wystarczające do zarejestrowania się na studia. Resztę informacji należy uzupełnić po otrzymaniu wyników z egzaminu maturalnego.

Rekrutacja na studia stacjonarne pierwszego stopnia prowadzona jest na podstawie konkursu świadectw dojrzałości.

Na wszystkie kierunki studiów stacjonarnych pierwszego stopnia w konkursie świadectw uwzględniane są oceny procentowe z: matematyki (M), języka polskiego (JP), języka obcego nowożytnego (JO) oraz z jednego przedmiotu zdanego na maturze w formie pisemnej (W), wskazanego przez kandydata do postępowania kwalifikacyjnego z zestawu obejmującego: fizykę z astronomią, chemię, informatykę, historię, geografię, biologię, wiedzę o społeczeństwie oraz - w przypadku kierunku architektura – historię sztuki.

Przedmioty: fizyka z astronomią oraz fizyka traktowane są równorzędnie.

Łączną liczbę punktów dla kierunku Inżynieria bezpieczeństwa wyznacza się wg wzoru:

S = M + n·W + 0,1·JP + 0,4·JO

przy czym:

n = 1 przy wskazaniu przez kandydata: fizyki z astronomią, chemii, informatyki,

n = 0,4 przy wskazaniu: geografii, biologii, n = 0,2 przy wskazaniu: historii, wiedzy o społeczeństwie.