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Recruitment for full-time first cycle (Bachelor) study programmes 2024/2025

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Data Engineering - full-time first cycle (Bachelor) study programme

Code Z-ID-ST1
Organizational unit Faculty of Management and Computer Modelling
Field of studies Data Engineering
Form of studies Full-time
Level of education First cycle (Bachelor)
Language(s) of instruction Polish
Duration 3,5 years (7 semesters)
Recruitment committee address aleja Tysiąclecia Państwa Polskiego 7, budynek C
25-314 Kielce
Office opening hours poniedziałek 11.00-14.00
wtorek 11.00-14.00
środa 11.00-14.00
czwartek 11.00-14.00
piątek w dniach zjazdów 15.00-18.30
sobota w dniach zjazdów 7.30-12.30
WWW address https://wzimk.tu.kielce.pl/
Required document
  • Maturity or equivalent document
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Data Engineering

Data Engineering is a rapidly growing field of computer science applications in engineering methods and techniques for the design, construction, and use of computer systems in Business Intelligence or Big Data analysis. It uses the capabilities of modern information technologies in analyzing large data sets aggregated in research, manufacturing, transactional processes, etc. DE also combines knowledge and skills of practical applications of advanced analytical techniques (computational methods, statistical inference, etc.) in extracting information and knowledge from data resources collected by enterprises.

Data Engineering is a practical course of study. Workshop classes are conducted by practitioners - specialists in their fields. The Faculty has access to the computing environment in the form of the Research Computer Cluster of the Kielce University of Technology, which includes a computer cluster with 32 servers enabling highly efficient data processing, the SAS system with additional modules, mathematical programs for symbolic calculations, etc. The practical profile of the faculty is reinforced by at least three-month student internships organized in cooperation with partners from the business environment.

full-time (daily) courses

  • 3.5-year (7 semesters) first-cycle studies

resulting in the award of the title of Engineer

the scope of study:

- data analytics and modelling

- engineering of analytical repositories


part - time (extramural) courses

  • 3.5-year (7 semesters) first-cycle studies

resulting in the award of the title of Engineer

the scope of study:

- data analytics and modelling

- engineering of analytical repositories 


 After the first-degree studies

Graduates - data engineers - use modern IT tools in programming, designing and managing databases, analysing data, integrating distributed information resources. They have the ability to design and build databases, design and build analytical solutions, implement analytical and information systems in cooperation with specialists and managers from outside the IT domain in an organization. They have the knowledge, skills and social competences that predestine them to take up independent positions in the IT area in modern organizations. They can act as data administrators of information and analytical systems (Business Intelligence and Big Data class), designers and developers of IT solutions for data analysis. They can also work as specialists in analysis departments, both in operational and managerial areas.

The widespread use of IT solutions in management, operational (production, trade, services, logistics, marketing, etc.) as well as auxiliary activities (accounting, finance, controlling) and the development of IT technology means that the amount of data, which is potentially a source of valuable information for forecasting and decision-making, is increasing exponentially. There is a demand, especially in small and medium-sized companies, for specialists who combine knowledge and practical skills in the field of information technology with knowledge about the functioning of economic organizations and their management. The practical and interdisciplinary character of the Data Engineering major makes it possible for graduates to be employed in a company or act as contract specialists - service providers. They can be employed as data administrators, designers or analysts in independent positions or in departments such as IT, procurement or distribution logistics, sales, marketing, controlling, new product development, customer relationship management, statistical analysis.

Uwaga! Kandydaci zdający maturę w tym roku:
Aby móc zarejestrować się na studia należy w formularzu osobowym w zakładce "Wykształcenie" dodać Nową Maturę i wpisać rok uzyskania dokumentu 2024. Takie informacje są wystarczające do zarejestrowania się na studia. Resztę informacji należy uzupełnić po otrzymaniu wyników z egzaminu maturalnego.

Rekrutacja na studia stacjonarne pierwszego stopnia prowadzona jest na podstawie konkursu świadectw dojrzałości.

Na wszystkie kierunki studiów stacjonarnych pierwszego stopnia w konkursie świadectw uwzględniane są oceny procentowe z: matematyki (M), języka polskiego (JP), języka obcego nowożytnego (JO) oraz z jednego przedmiotu zdanego na maturze w formie pisemnej (W), wskazanego przez kandydata do postępowania kwalifikacyjnego z zestawu obejmującego: fizykę z astronomią, chemię, informatykę, historię, geografię, biologię, wiedzę o społeczeństwie oraz - w przypadku kierunku architektura – historię sztuki.

Przedmioty: fizyka z astronomią oraz fizyka traktowane są równorzędnie.

Łączną liczbę punktów dla kierunku Inżynieria Danych wyznacza się wg wzoru:

S = M + n·W + 0,1·JP + 0,1·JO

przy czym:

n = 1 przy wskazaniu przez kandydata: fizyki z astronomią, chemii, informatyki,

n = 0,4 przy wskazaniu: geografii, biologii, n = 0,2 przy wskazaniu: historii, wiedzy o społeczeństwie.