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Recruitment for full-time second cycle (Master) study programmes 2024/2025

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Electrical Engineering - full-time second cycle (Master) study programme

Code E-ELE-ST2
Organizational unit Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatic Control and Computer Science
Field of studies Electrical Engineering
Form of studies Full-time
Level of education Second cycle (Master)
Language(s) of instruction Polish
Duration 1,5 years (3 semesters)
Recruitment committee address aleja Tysiąclecia Państwa Polskiego 7, budynek D
25-314 Kielce
Office opening hours poniedziałek 10.00 – 14.00
wtorek 10.00 – 14.00
środa nieczynny
czwartek 10.00 – 14.00
piątek 10.00 – 13.00
piątek w dniu zjazdu – 15.00 – 17.00
sobota w dniu zjazdu: -8.00 – 12:00
WWW address https://weaii.tu.kielce.pl/
Required document
  • Higher education
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There is currently no active phase.

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Upcoming phases in this registration:
  • Phase 3 (27.01.2025 08:00 – 06.03.2025 14:00)

Electrical engineering

Electrical engineering is a course for candidates who are not afraid of electricity, are keen on challenges and pursue technical interests. Students will learn the methods of producing and distributing electricity, methods of converting electricity into mechanical, thermal or chemical energy used in industry or at home, the fundamentals of designing and operating electrical devices and electrical installations. They will gain qualifications to work in many areas related to energy conversion, automation of production processes, as well as design and operation of power electronic devices.

Full - time course

  • 3.5-year course (7 semesters) , first cycle degree program

leading to BSc – Bachelor of Science in  Electrical Engineering


- automation,

- industrial electronics and power electronics,

- computer measurement systems,

- energy conversion and use,

  • 1.5-year course (3 semesters), second cycle degree program

leading to  MSc – Master of Science in Electrical Engineering 


- automation,

- industrial electronics and power electronics,

- computer measurement systems,

- energy conversion and use,


Part - time course

  • 4-year (8 semesters) first cycle degree program

leading to  BSc – Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering


- automation,

- industrial electronics and power electronics,

- computer measurement systems,

- energy conversion and use,


  • 2-year (4 semesters) the second cycle degree program

leading to  MSc – Master of Science in Electrical Engineering


- automation,

- industrial electronics and power electronics,

- computer measuring systems,

- energy conversion and use,


In the scope of automation, students will gain skills necessary for process modelling, analysis and synthesis of control systems, building automation components and devices, programming and application of microprocessor controllers and microcontrollers, power electronic drive systems, fundaments of robotics and computer-aided design of automation systems.

In the scope of industrial electronics and power electronics, students receive a thorough preparation covering the theory and analysis methods, computer modelling and computer-aided design of microprocessor-controlled industrial electronics systems, with particular emphasis on power electronic systems used, inter alia, in automated electric drives, traction vehicles, induction heating, energy, in modern lighting, household and military technology.

In the scope of computer measurement systems, students acquire knowledge in the field of analogue and digital measuring transducers, VLSI systems, with particular emphasis on programmable systems used in metrology, standard measuring interfaces, microprocessor systems, single-chip microcomputer microcontrollers, measuring systems for electrical and non-electrical quantities.

First-cycle-program graduates

Graduates gain engineering competence in related fields, such as automation and measurement systems, energy conversion and power electronics, electric drives and industrial electronics, necessary for various types of services and production, independent and innovative technical problem solving, the use of new technologies and computer devices and information technology in design and management, e.g. automation systems and systems, electricity conversion, power electronics. They are capable of using computer-aided design software for designing electrical networks and installations, securing and protecting electrical devices of modern drive systems, as well as operating technological, switching, security, control and measuring devices powered by electricity.

Second-cycle-program graduates


Graduates are provided with advanced and thorough knowledge in the field of design, construction, operation and testing of electrical devices and computer measurement systems and digital control systems. They are skilled at using appropriate IT and electronic tools.


Rekrutację studentów na pierwszy rok studiów drugiego stopnia przeprowadza się na podstawie złożonych dokumentów, gdy liczba kandydatów nie przekracza limitu miejsc. W przypadku, gdy liczba zgłoszonych osób jest większa niż ustalony limit, rekrutacja jest przeprowadzana na podstawie konkursu, do którego brany jest pod uwagę - wynik ukończenia studiów wpisany do dyplomu.

Na Elektotechnikę przyjmowani są absolwenci kierunków właściwych i pokrewnych z tytułem zawodowym inżyniera lub absolwenci kierunków pokrewnych z tytułem zawodowym magistra inżyniera.

Przed zapisaniem się na studia należy wprowadzić ocenę z dyplomu - ostateczny wynik ze studiów inżynierskich/licencjackich/magisterskich oraz średnią ocen uzyskanych w trakcie tych studiów w:

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