Code | M-TL-ST2 |
Organizational unit | Faculty of Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering |
Field of studies | Transport |
Form of studies | Full-time |
Level of education | Second cycle (Master) |
Language(s) of instruction | Polish |
Duration | 1,5 years (3 semesters) |
Recruitment committee address | aleja Tysiąclecia Państwa Polskiego 7, budynek B 25-314 Kielce |
Office opening hours | poniedziałek 11.00-14.00 wtorek 11.00-14.00 środa nieczynny czwartek 11.00-14.00 piątek 11.00-14.00 w dniach zjazdów: 15.00 – 17.00 sobota / w dniach zjazdów: 8.30 – 11.30 |
WWW address | |
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Recruitment for full-time second cycle (Master) study programmes 2024/2025 for foreigners
Phase 2 (27.01.2025 08:00 – 06.03.2025 14:00)
Transport i Logistyka
Poland has the fastest growing road freight transport sector in the EU. Freight movements by road between Poland and other member states represent nearly 93% of all road shipments within the EU. Road freight movements outside the EU by Poland-based operators amount to over 33% of all such shipments. Polish carriers are some of the most active in the EU. There are more than 83,000 road transport companies in Poland, 96% of which are small firms with up to 9 employees. The most important skills required in such firms are those associated with proper selection of vehicles so that they can perform specific transport services. Employers and employees in the road transport sector need to have a good knowledge of vehicle reliability and performance.
Overview of the undergraduate (first-cycle) programme
Students completing this programme will have knowledge of automotive engineering, analysis of transport systems, transport economics, transport law, and the organisation and management of transport and freight forwarding businesses and transport support services. The focus will be mainly on road transport, which accounts for more than 85% of all freight movements in Poland (in tonnes). Much attention will be given to the knowledge and skills in the areas of the design, operation, maintenance and diagnostics of motor vehicle systems, including internal combustion engines. According to the current trends, students will develop knowledge of automotive safety, intelligent transport solutions, traffic engineering, alternative power sources, electromobility and autonomous vehicles. They will be prepared to solve engineering problems in the area of logistics and freight forwarding; they will be ready to work in businesses specialising in transport, logistics and freight forwarding or automotive diagnostics, servicing and repair.
Overview of the postgraduate (second-cycle) programme
On completion of this programme, students will have an advanced knowledge and skills to creatively solve problems related to the organisation and management of transport, logistics and freight forwarding businesses and processes. They will know legal, procedural and technical requirements to start and run a small transport company. If employed in a large or medium-sized firm, they will be prepared to use technological advances, including modern computer and telecommunications systems, to effectively manage the company operations and the fleet of vehicles. They will also know how to use state-of-the-art equipment to perform automotive diagnostics, servicing and repair. They will be able to use mathematical methods and models to model and optimise problems associated with transport planning and automotive design, operation and maintenance. They will be able to combine knowledge of logistics with that of transport economics, business management and automotive maintenance to formulate and solve problems encountered while analysing the economic effectiveness of a logistics system.
After successfully completing some of the courses within the automotive maintenance and road transport management specialism, students may apply to be exempt from a nationally-recognised examination for the Certificate of Professional Competence in International Road Transport of Goods, issued under the EU regulations by the Road Transport Institute. According to the EU law, this certificate is a prerequisite for a managerial position in a passenger or freight transport company.
Rekrutację studentów na pierwszy rok studiów drugiego stopnia przeprowadza się na podstawie złożonych dokumentów, gdy liczba kandydatów nie przekracza limitu miejsc. W przypadku, gdy liczba zgłoszonych osób jest większa niż ustalony limit, rekrutacja jest przeprowadzana na podstawie konkursu, do którego brany jest pod uwagę - wynik ukończenia studiów wpisany do dyplomu.
Na Inżynierię Środków Transportu przyjmowani są absolwenci z tytułem zawodowym inżyniera lub absolwenci z tytułem zawodowym magistra inżyniera, posiadający kwalifikacje/ i kompetencje wystarczające do podjęcia studiów drugiego stopnia na danym kierunku; postępowanie kwalifikacyjne jest dwuetapowe; w pierwszym etapie kompetencje kandydata ocenia Komisja Kwalifikacyjna na podstawie złożonych dokumentów; drugi etap może być uruchomiony w przypadku, gdy liczba kandydatów zakwalifikowanych przekroczy ustalony limit; komisja może dodatkowo zaprosić kandydata na rozmowę kwalifikacyjną; w przypadku absolwentów kierunków pokrewnych, kwalifikacje i kompetencje kandydata, wystarczające do podjęcia studiów drugiego stopnia na danym kierunku ocenia – na podstawie złożonych dokumentów – powołana Komisja Kwalifikacyjna; szczegółowe zasady przyjęć zamieszczane są dla kandydatów na stronie internetowej Uczelni.
Przed zapisaniem się na studia należy wprowadzić ocenę z dyplomu - ostateczny wynik ze studiów inżynierskich/licencjackich/magisterskich oraz średnią ocen uzyskanych w trakcie tych studiów w:
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